A Village Called Kin

Kin Village, Okinawa
The reef in the foreground was a great place for snorkeling.

Little village by the sea,

the simple life was the key,

A sandy beach, a coral reef,

the China Sea, its own motif.

Farmers, fishers, hard workers all,

soil to till and fish to trawl.

Sweating in the bath house steam,

refreshing tropic island dream.

Children in their sailor suits,

off to knowledge, their pursuits.

Toni’s Restaurant for fried rice,

that Kimiko sure is nice.

Akadamo wine, the local hooch,

not unlike a naisan’s smooch.

Orion beer is made right here,

make you see not so clear.

Typhoon rages, pounding waves,

shelter in the coral caves.

Goncho-San is ichiban,

up until his pay is gone.

Domo arigato, is thank you,

Sayonara means adieu.

Just a piece of paradise,

its simple life will suffice.

Let the rich have Waikiki,

Kin Beach is for guys like me.

Heaven waits to take me in,

at a place I called Kin.

LDT Dec 26, ‘21

Kin Village is located on the East coast of Okinawa. It is just outside the gate of Camp Hanson, where I was stationed for parts of 1964-65.


Naisan- Young lady (Josan in the Japanese main islands)

Goncho-San- My nickname on Okinawa. It basically means Four Eyes and is used to describe anyone who wears glasses.

Ichiban- Number One, the best, as opposed to Number Ten (the worst).

Kin Village
The nightlife was good.

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Published by thillld

Retired. History Buff. Amateur Poet

2 thoughts on “A Village Called Kin

  1. It sounds like a bit of heaven we would all enjoy, even without the bars these days. Then again, it would have to be on another plane these days, cause I’m sure it is very citified now! Thanks for sharing that your overseas service wasn’t all bad!


  2. It sounds like a bit of heaven we would all enjoy, even without the bars. Then again, it would have to be on another plane these days, cause I’m sure it is very citified now! Thanks for sharing that your overseas service wasn’t all bad!


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